
Mar 18 all-day Somalia
Bring together communities members including parent and teachers associations (PTA?s) and make them aware of the need for financial literacy through the age-old method of storytelling and guest speakers.
Mar 18 all-day Lebanon
Bank Audi will be hosting high-school students for ?A Day at Bank Audi? which will take place at Bank Audi, Bab Idriss, Plaza Head Offices. This day they will do a tour of Bank Audi … Continue reading Bank Audi
Mar 18 all-day Iran
In Iran, Eghtesad Novin Bank and the Central Bank undertake various activities today such as offering financial education books and games to pupils as a gift.
Mar 18 all-day Yemen
A radio show is organized by school students that prepare and present about the culture of
Mar 18 all-day Somalia
SYC and its partners target children and youth in schools and the young who are the main sources of livelihood for their immediate families.
Mar 19 all-day Yemen
Youth program (Mocha Cafe) – Yemen Today Satellite Channel with an item on
Mar 19 all-day Somalia
SYC and its partners raise awareness on money matters and the importance of saving and self-employment in a country where the bulk of employment is either self or by private companies.
Mar 20 all-day Yemen
Cinema sessions are organized for students of all

Join GlobalMoneyWeek, 9-17 March 2015