5 financial contests: o The Photo Story competition’ with the topic ?Debt management?. The o Art Competition for children with the topic ?The life on my financial planet?. o Storytelling competition for the schoolchildren between … Continue reading Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia
During the Week: Advertisements in the media (press release, newspapers, TV and radio spots…)
In Iran, Eghtesad Novin Bank and the Central Bank undertake various activities today – all Eghtesad branches will invite schools to the bank to give children lectures about money, saving and the new savings account.http://www.micard.enbank.ir/Main/frmKids.aspx
EBI and its 250 partners reach out to children and youth by carrying out awareness sessions in schools, universities and youth centres.http://www.ebi.gov.eg/
A secondary school will be visited in Hatta and a creative workshop will be run with them by making a money box out of arts and crafts materials. The students will be provided with all … Continue reading Emirates Foundation
I ?AN Workshop. 03:00-06:00 p.m. (GMT+1). Young people will attend the workshop where they will explore and develop their relationship with money and its use. Zweite Sparkasse with Schuldnerberatung Wien and Jugend am Werk (JaW). … Continue reading Erste Group Bank AG
Ouagadougou Various activities with youth organisations + Distributing coupons for opening bank accounts for children and youth
Financial Literacy Initiative Foundation has developed lessons/activity methodology for the youngest students devoted to the topic of GMW and distributed it among the relevant schools. The lessons will be delivered by teachers. Representatives from financial … Continue reading Financial Literacy Initiative Foundation
money management,earning, spending, saving, planning and budgeting, entrepreneurship, business plan, sustainable economy. Banks participating in the Financial Education Foundation will conduct some lessons; 2 meetings targeted to teachers and trainers in order to ?train the … Continue reading Fondazione per l?Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio
I Can Manage My Future Now Trainings and Project and ?Prepare your Budget Profile? Plays During the Global Money Week, 50 peer educators from 15 cities of Turkey will prepare local trainings. Total reach of … Continue reading Habitat Center for Development and Governance (Youth for Habitat)
art competition for primary students; selfie competition for lower secondary and an essay competition for upper secondary school students. The art and essay competitions will be announced on 1 March, the results will be announced … Continue reading Junior Achievement Bulgaria
Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) is going to coordinate about 50 different activities/events taking place in approx. 10 schools all over the country. Thanks to our cooperation with active teachers and methodologists of economics, entrepreneurship … Continue reading KNF – Polish Financial Supervision Authority
Students visits to the financialinstitutions (i.e. Zagreb Stock Exchange, Croatian Insurance Bureau, Croatian National Bank, Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency, banks?), quiz for students in cooperation with student association Economic Clinic, students debates,lectures at secondary … Continue reading Ministry of Finance – Croatia
Teacher training. Participants will receive more background information to be able to understand behavioral finance, so that they are able to teach their students basic knowledge. Demmin.www.myfinancecoach.com
educational tour around the museum; lecture on the topics of personal finance and saving; award ceremony.
1.VISIT to a bank: 2, VISIT to the NBR museum: 3, Essay COMPETITION. The students of primary from the whole country will participate to a national competition on financial education. The first part of the … Continue reading National Bank of Romania
Financial education workshops in schools focusing on: Budgeting, Checking and Savings, Power of Credit, and Investments as well as Entrepreneurship sessions focusing on: Basics of Business, Developing Your Business Idea, Developing a Financial Plan for … Continue reading Operation HOPE
Financial education workshops in schools focusing on: Budgeting, Checking and Savings, Power of Credit, and Investments as well as Entrepreneurship sessions focusing on: Basics of Business, Developing Your Business Idea, Developing a Financial Plan for … Continue reading Operation HOPE South Africa
PMA and its partners will visit 1,489 schools all around Palestine giving lectures about financial terms, banking services and they will play three banking and financial awareness movies throughout the day.
1. Students in the country?s 10 provinces will participate in an essay writing competition on Saving. 2 Children will stand to win per province. Winners will have a Youth or Juniorsave account opened and $50 … Continue reading People?s Own Savings Bank of Zimbabwe (POSB)
SYC and its partners raise awareness on money matters and the importance of saving and self-employment in a country where the bulk of employment is either self or by private companies.
SCEFA and its partners have a cultural program with songs, music, story telling, and competitions on saving, planning and spending money.
Youth Education (18-22 years) Education of youth -workshop for the high school pupils,
The Money Charity will be delivering 27 financial education workshops across the country to students aged between 11 -19. These workshops will explore topics such as budgeting and planning, saving, credit and living independently.
Children will opt to take part to create an object to market the “The Dragons”. They will make the product/prototype and present it to their class (Tuesday AM); to lower and upper Primary (Tuesday PM) … Continue reading Transylvania College
Event 1: Session on ‘Setting financial goals’ for women that are members of CBSG. 08:00 – 10: 00 a.m. (UTC+05:00). Aimed at women that are members of community savings groups (CBSG) in Khorog town. Khorog, … Continue reading University of Central Asia SPCE Tajikistan