Ring The Bell. 00:8 p.m. (GMT+2). Opening Ceremony: Children and youth visit the national stock exchange to learn about why they exist and how they operate. ?stanbul, Borsa ?stanbul A.?.
Advisory Committee Meeting and Expert to Youth Talkwww.habitaticingenclik.org.tr
art competition for primary students; selfie competition for lower secondary and an essay competition for upper secondary school students. The art and essay competitions will be announced on 1 March, the results will be announced … Continue reading Junior Achievement Bulgaria
Based of the schoolmaterial by www.rockitbiz.org few woman experts will teach their skills and in teams the kid age of 11 -11years old will learn how to build a startup, including budget, marketing, pr, idea … Continue reading Learn Money
Event 1: Pen Pal letter exchange. Through a special letter- exchange activity, classes all over Germany will learn about exchange rates and the importance of saving while making new friends and expanding their cultural horizons. … Continue reading My Finance Coach Stiftung GmbH
Financial Education Instructor Mr. Jose Fulgencio will host a live Google hangout workshop for participants to learn how to budget their money effectively in order to reach their budget goals. In this live video chat, … Continue reading Oklahoma State University
Financial education workshops in schools focusing on: Budgeting, Checking and Savings, Power of Credit, and Investments as well as Entrepreneurship sessions focusing on: Basics of Business, Developing Your Business Idea, Developing a Financial Plan for … Continue reading Operation HOPE
The Money Charity will be delivering 27 financial education workshops across the country to students aged between 11 -19. These workshops will explore topics such as budgeting and planning, saving, credit and living independently.
Middle school students will spend a whole day with their parents, at their parents? jobs trying to figure put exactly what a job assumes); feedback session on Job Shadowing- students will be split in groups … Continue reading Transylvania College
Event 1: Introduction and General Information about Money. First group: 09: 00 a.m. – 09:40 a.m. (UTC), second group: 02:00 p.m. – 02:40 p.m. (UTC). 70 youth participants. Shughnan, Badakhshan. Event 2: ‘Saving of Money’. … Continue reading University of Central Asia SPCE Afghanistan
Event 1: Session on ‘Setting financial goals’ for women that are members of CBSG. 08:00 – 10: 00 a.m. (UTC+05:00). Aimed at women that are members of community savings groups (CBSG) in Khorog town. Khorog, … Continue reading University of Central Asia SPCE Tajikistan
Young people/students engage actively in discussions to ensure that they have rights to be financial literate, enjoy financial education lessons and learn the importance of financial literacy for future finance security.
financial education workshops and lectures, visits to banks and financial institutions and of course promoting via Social Media, local radio stations and television.
Financial Literacy Bus workshops will be run with students across various schools in the UAE. These workshops will be conducted in our interactive mobile bus and will cover the fundamentals of financial literacy.
Award ceremony. 12:15 a.m. (GMT+2). Authors of the best works on the subject of saving will be credited and their works presented during the award ceremony at Rakvere Smart House Competence Centre. City of Rakvere, … Continue reading Entrepreneurship through Theatre
Financial Literacy Initiative Foundation has developed lessons/activity methodology for the youngest students devoted to the topic of GMW and distributed it among the relevant schools. The lessons will be delivered by teachers. Representatives from financial … Continue reading Financial Literacy Initiative Foundation
A visit to Ottoman Bank Money Museum. 00:12 p.m. ?stanbul , Ottoman Bank Museum.
I Can Manage My Future Now Trainings and Project and ?Prepare your Budget Profile? Plays During the Global Money Week, 50 peer educators from 15 cities of Turkey will prepare local trainings. Total reach of … Continue reading Habitat Center for Development and Governance (Youth for Habitat)
On March 15, the students will be bussed into Yerevan ? capital city of Armenia, to the award ceremony. Junior Achievement of Armenia?s program aim is to enhance the economic and business awareness of Armenian … Continue reading Junior Achievement Armenia
art competition for primary students; selfie competition for lower secondary and an essay competition for upper secondary school students. The art and essay competitions will be announced on 1 March, the results will be announced … Continue reading Junior Achievement Bulgaria
Financial education workshops in schools focusing on: Budgeting, Checking and Savings, Power of Credit, and Investments as well as Entrepreneurship sessions focusing on: Basics of Business, Developing Your Business Idea, Developing a Financial Plan for … Continue reading Operation HOPE
The Money Charity will be delivering 27 financial education workshops across the country to students aged between 11 -19. These workshops will explore topics such as budgeting and planning, saving, credit and living independently.
Save money, eat smart! – Students will learn how to make smart choices related to nutrition. They will compare costs healthy vs junk food. But also will talk about long term benefits and costs of … Continue reading Transylvania College
Event 1: Family Budget. 8:00 a.m. (UTC) – 9:30 a.m. (UTC). 25 youth participants. Presentation, general activities, group work and pair work on the term of Income and outcome. Ishkashim, Badakhshan. Event 2: Excursion visit … Continue reading University of Central Asia SPCE Afghanistan
Event 1: Session on ‘Setting financial goals’ for women that are members of CBSG. 08:00 – 10: 00 a.m. (UTC+05:00). Aimed at women that are members of community savings groups (CBSG) in Khorog town. Khorog, … Continue reading University of Central Asia SPCE Tajikistan
There will be sessions in which the participants will be taught about the Somali currency which has been replaced by the US dollar in the wake of the Somali civil war and collapse of Somalia?s … Continue reading Action for Women and Child Concern Organization
Ring of the bell @Amsterdam Stock Exchange www.aex.nl| www.euronext.comhttp://www.nyx.com/who-we-are/history/amsterdam
financial education workshops and lectures, visits to banks and financial institutions and of course promoting via Social Media, local radio stations and television.
Visits to the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Environment, the Congress of the Republic and the Lima Stock Exchange