To start GMW, Ms. Sana Afouaiz (a women?s advocate and human right activist) will host an international Expert Talk together with Mr. Majid Mirza Hussain (Expert of youth employment) and Ms. Bistra Kumbaroska (Entrepreneur and … Continue reading African Youth Advocate Platform
Round Table Discussion with School Principle and Banker Association Nepal: ? Will introduce and advocate the need of school curriculum in round table discussion with Banker Association and School Teacher
financial education workshops and lectures, visits to banks and financial institutions and of course promoting via Social Media, local radio stations and television.
Ring the Bell ceremony at 10 am – Opening of GMW in Belarus with the participation of more than 40 youth, and all major national media and press.
‘History repeated? Economics study day at The British Museum’. The Citi Money Gallery, British Museum.
Launch of the Belgium Money Week – under the leadership of the FSMA
Financial Literacy Initiative Foundation has developed lessons/activity methodology for the youngest students devoted to the topic of GMW and distributed it among the relevant schools. The lessons will be delivered by teachers. Representatives from financial … Continue reading Financial Literacy Initiative Foundation
Ring The Bell. 00:8 p.m. (GMT+2). Opening Ceremony: Children and youth visit the national stock exchange to learn about why they exist and how they operate. ?stanbul, Borsa ?stanbul A.?.
Advisory Committee Meeting and Expert to Youth
art competition for primary students; selfie competition for lower secondary and an essay competition for upper secondary school students. The art and essay competitions will be announced on 1 March, the results will be announced … Continue reading Junior Achievement Bulgaria
Based of the schoolmaterial by few woman experts will teach their skills and in teams the kid age of 11 -11years old will learn how to build a startup, including budget, marketing, pr, idea … Continue reading Learn Money
Event 1: Pen Pal letter exchange. Through a special letter- exchange activity, classes all over Germany will learn about exchange rates and the importance of saving while making new friends and expanding their cultural horizons. … Continue reading My Finance Coach Stiftung GmbH
The Money Charity will be delivering 27 financial education workshops across the country to students aged between 11 -19. These workshops will explore topics such as budgeting and planning, saving, credit and living independently.
Event 1: Introduction and General Information about Money. First group: 09: 00 a.m. – 09:40 a.m. (UTC), second group: 02:00 p.m. – 02:40 p.m. (UTC). 70 youth participants. Shughnan, Badakhshan. Event 2: ‘Saving of Money’. … Continue reading University of Central Asia SPCE Afghanistan
Event 1: Session on ‘Setting financial goals’ for women that are members of CBSG. 08:00 – 10: 00 a.m. (UTC+05:00). Aimed at women that are members of community savings groups (CBSG) in Khorog town. Khorog, … Continue reading University of Central Asia SPCE Tajikistan
financial education workshops and lectures, visits to banks and financial institutions and of course promoting via Social Media, local radio stations and television.