Launch of the Belgium Money Week – under the leadership of the FSMA
6:30 a.m. (GMT), Antananarivo – Official launch of GMW celebrations in Madagascar by the Ministry of Finance and Budget. Opening ceremony + talks and presentations around the topic ?The state of financial inclusion in Madagascar? … Continue reading Coordination Nationale de la MicroFinance
In Iran, Eghtesad Novin Bank and the Central Bank undertake various activities today such as announcment of savings card by the bank to the public on TVC.
In collaboration with the Central Bank, Baizat and other partners, Emirates holds a savings competition with a school in Sharjah.
money management,earning, spending, saving, planning and budgeting, entrepreneurship, business plan, sustainable economy. Banks participating in the Financial Education Foundation will conduct some lessons; 2 meetings targeted to teachers and trainers in order to ?train the … Continue reading Fondazione per l?Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio
Launch of the GMW celebrations in Conakry with a national conference on the topic: “Taking part in saving smart”
For All Foundation and its partners celebrate the opening with stand-up comdey shows, story telling, painting competitions, savings contests and
In collaboration with the Lebanese Republic Ministry of Social Affairs, Higher Council For Childhood and Teach a child association, Fransabank invites high school students to visit their headquarters.
The opening ceremony from the Governor of Bank of Albania, Minister of Social Welfare and Youth (TBC), Minister of Education, Chairman of Albanian Association of Banks. (Place: Park next to BOA) 11:30- 12:30 Educational and … Continue reading Ministry of Education and Sports of Albania
Financial Education Instructor Mr. Jose Fulgencio will host a live Google hangout workshop for participants to learn how to budget their money effectively in order to reach their budget goals. In this live video chat, … Continue reading Oklahoma State University
1. Students in the country?s 10 provinces will participate in an essay writing competition on Saving. 2 Children will stand to win per province. Winners will have a Youth or Juniorsave account opened and $50 … Continue reading People?s Own Savings Bank of Zimbabwe (POSB)
Opening + ?ducation of youth – workshop for the high school pupils,
Middle school students will spend a whole day with their parents, at their parents? jobs trying to figure put exactly what a job assumes); feedback session on Job Shadowing- students will be split in groups … Continue reading Transylvania College
Bank Audi will be hosting high-school students for ?A Day at Bank Audi? which will take place at Bank Audi, Bab Idriss, Plaza Head Offices. This day they will look at plastic money & e-payments … Continue reading Bank Audi
Date to be defined: Drawing competition for students of elementary schools (expected youth: 500) – Awareness raising event for elementary school and high school students to learn about the importance of money management – Drawing … Continue reading Coordination Nationale de la MicroFinance
In Iran, Eghtesad Novin Bank and the Central Bank undertake various activities today – all Eghtesad branches will invite schools to the bank to give children lectures about money, saving and the new savings account.
Financial Literacy Bus workshops will be run with students across various schools in the UAE. These workshops will be conducted in our interactive mobile bus and will cover the fundamentals of financial literacy.
Entrepreneurial Design Thinking Workshop. 09:30-12:30 a.m. (GMT+1)., Erste Bank and Sparkassen, the Initiative of Teaching Entrepreneurship (IFTE) and of the Wiener Stadtschulrat (Vienna Municipal Education Authority). Lerchenfelder Str. 120, 1080 Vienna.
Ouagadougou Awareness raising and training on financial education
money management,earning, spending, saving, planning and budgeting, entrepreneurship, business plan, sustainable economy. Banks participating in the Financial Education Foundation will conduct some lessons; 2 meetings targeted to teachers and trainers in order to ?train the … Continue reading Fondazione per l?Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio
A radio show is organized by school students that prepare and present about the culture of
Discussion Roundtable on the ?Need for a National Strategy on Financial Education? hosted by Bank of Albania organized with the participation of excellence students, personalities and experts of the field (professors, members of education parliamentary … Continue reading Ministry of Education and Sports of Albania
1. Students in the country?s 10 provinces will participate in an essay writing competition on Saving. 2 Children will stand to win per province. Winners will have a Youth or Juniorsave account opened and $50 … Continue reading People?s Own Savings Bank of Zimbabwe (POSB)
Education of the youngest (3-6 years)- piggy-banks as gifts for a kindergarden in Belgrade Education of youth -workshop for the high school pupils, Education of adults – Open Doors Day in banks- Eurobank Belgrade (Vuka … Continue reading The Association of Serbian Banks
Save money, eat smart! – Students will learn how to make smart choices related to nutrition. They will compare costs healthy vs junk food. But also will talk about long term benefits and costs of … Continue reading Transylvania College
Ring of the bell @Amsterdam Stock Exchange| www.euronext.com
Visits to the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Environment, the Congress of the Republic and the Lima Stock Exchange
Bank Audi will be hosting high-school students for ?A Day at Bank Audi? which will take place at Bank Audi, Bab Idriss, Plaza Head Offices. This day they will look at products & services: cccounts, … Continue reading Bank Audi