financial education workshops and lectures, visits to banks and financial institutions and of course promoting via Social Media, local radio stations and television.
Financial Literacy Initiative Foundation has developed lessons/activity methodology for the youngest students devoted to the topic of GMW and distributed it among the relevant schools. The lessons will be delivered by teachers. Representatives from financial … Continue reading Financial Literacy Initiative Foundation
money management,earning, spending, saving, planning and budgeting, entrepreneurship, business plan, sustainable economy. Banks participating in the Financial Education Foundation will conduct some lessons; 2 meetings targeted to teachers and trainers in order to ?train the … Continue reading Fondazione per l?Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio
I Can Manage My Future Now Trainings and Project and ?Prepare your Budget Profile? Plays During the Global Money Week, 50 peer educators from 15 cities of Turkey will prepare local trainings. Total reach of … Continue reading Habitat Center for Development and Governance (Youth for Habitat)
art competition for primary students; selfie competition for lower secondary and an essay competition for upper secondary school students. The art and essay competitions will be announced on 1 March, the results will be announced … Continue reading Junior Achievement Bulgaria
Closure of the EMW 2016 – Children Lecture in the ASB for the high school pupils from 6 cities in Serbia Education (14-18 years) Education of youth -workshop for the high school pupils,
The Money Charity will be delivering 27 financial education workshops across the country to students aged between 11 -19. These workshops will explore topics such as budgeting and planning, saving, credit and living independently.
Event 1: Session on ‘Setting financial goals’ for women that are members of CBSG. 08:00 – 10: 00 a.m. (UTC+05:00). Aimed at women that are members of community savings groups (CBSG) in Khorog town. Khorog, … Continue reading University of Central Asia SPCE Tajikistan
financial education workshops and lectures, visits to banks and financial institutions and of course promoting via Social Media, local radio stations and television.
I Can Manage My Future Now Trainings and Project and ?Prepare your Budget Profile? Plays During the Global Money Week, 50 peer educators from 15 cities of Turkey will prepare local trainings. Total reach of … Continue reading Habitat Center for Development and Governance (Youth for Habitat)
Event 1: Session on ‘Setting financial goals’ for women that are members of CBSG. 08:00 – 10: 00 a.m. (UTC+05:00). Aimed at women that are members of community savings groups (CBSG) in Khorog town. Khorog, … Continue reading University of Central Asia SPCE Tajikistan
Youth Finance Indonesia will celebrate GMW on March 19 in partnership with Allianz Indonesia. They will invite street children to visit Bank of Indonesia Museum, playing games and talkshow with financial experts.
financial education workshops and lectures, visits to banks and financial institutions and of course promoting via Social Media, local radio stations and television.
I Can Manage My Future Now Trainings and Project and ?Prepare your Budget Profile? Plays During the Global Money Week, 50 peer educators from 15 cities of Turkey will prepare local trainings. Total reach of … Continue reading Habitat Center for Development and Governance (Youth for Habitat)