
Mar 14 all-day Somalia
Peer Debate will include debates on financial education/literacy, employment issues particularly after school and the need to make students well versed in financial literacy before their secondary level.
Mar 14 all-day France
To start GMW, Ms. Sana Afouaiz (a women?s advocate and human right activist) will host an international Expert Talk together with Mr. Majid Mirza Hussain (Expert of youth employment) and Ms. Bistra Kumbaroska (Entrepreneur and … Continue reading African Youth Advocate Platform
Mar 14 all-day
Opening ceremony + Press conference TV & radio talk shows
Mar 14 all-day Rwanda
9:00-11:00 a.m. (GMT+2), Kigali Opening ceremony / Ring the Bell
Mar 14 all-day Nepal
Round Table Discussion with School Principle and Banker Association Nepal: ? Will introduce and advocate the need of school curriculum in round table discussion with Banker Association and School Teacher
Mar 14 all-day Bosnia and Herzegovina
financial education workshops and lectures, visits to banks and financial institutions and of course promoting via Social Media, local radio stations and television.
Mar 14 all-day Lebanon
Bank Audi will be hosting high-school students for ?A Day at Bank Audi? which will take place at Bank Audi, Bab Idriss, Plaza Head Offices. This day they will look at Banks’ Delivery Channels with … Continue reading Bank Audi
Mar 14 all-day Lithuania
creative comics? competition ?I save smart! So should you!? Games and solving tests at the Money Museum of the Bank of Lithuania – introduction to monetary history. The Bank of Lithuania?s buildings in Kaunas will … Continue reading Bank of Lithuania
Mar 14 all-day Lebanon
The activities will consist of visits to the Central Bank of Lebanon these visits will involve lectures about the Lebanese monetary policy, lectures about Cash Circulation, Production of Banknotes, and Money Counterfeiting and money and … Continue reading Banque du Liban/ Central Bank of Lebanon
Mar 14 all-day Belarus
Ring the Bell ceremony at 10 am – Opening of GMW in Belarus with the participation of more than 40 youth, and all major national media and press.
Mar 14 all-day United Kingdom
‘History repeated? Economics study day at The British Museum’. The Citi Money Gallery, British Museum.
Mar 14 all-day Belgium
Launch of the Belgium Money Week – under the leadership of the FSMA
Mar 14 all-day Saudi Arabia
During the participation of the book fair, visitors are introduced to a short show under the title of Smart Savings in addition to engaging parents in applying the lessons learned.
Mar 14 all-day Montenegro
Visit of the High school students to the Central bank of Montenegro
Mar 14 all-day Kosovo
14th of March 2016 ? Prizren City, main Primary School ? 4 and 5th grade – working groups and a presentation on Security features on Euro banknotes
Mar 14 all-day Armenia
5 financial contests: o The Photo Story competition’ with the topic ?Debt management?. The o Art Competition for children with the topic ?The life on my financial planet?. o Storytelling competition for the schoolchildren between … Continue reading Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia
Mar 14 all-day Azerbaijan
Visits to secondary schools from the representatives of the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Games on Social media (and Facebook page of CBAR)
Mar 14 all-day Madagascar
6:30 a.m. (GMT), Antananarivo – Official launch of GMW celebrations in Madagascar by the Ministry of Finance and Budget. Opening ceremony + talks and presentations around the topic ?The state of financial inclusion in Madagascar? … Continue reading Coordination Nationale de la MicroFinance
Mar 14 all-day Iran
In Iran, Eghtesad Novin Bank and the Central Bank undertake various activities today such as announcment of savings card by the bank to the public on TVC.
Mar 14 all-day Egypt
EBI and its 250 partners reach out to children and youth by carrying out awareness sessions in schools, universities and youth centres.
Mar 14 all-day United Arab Emirates
In collaboration with the Central Bank, Baizat and other partners, Emirates holds a savings competition with a school in Sharjah.
Mar 14 all-day Bulgaria
Financial Literacy Initiative Foundation has developed lessons/activity methodology for the youngest students devoted to the topic of GMW and distributed it among the relevant schools. The lessons will be delivered by teachers. Representatives from financial … Continue reading Financial Literacy Initiative Foundation
Mar 14 all-day Sweden
Event 1: Money week Round table debate. Money Week kicks off with a discussion organised by the banks and the Swedish Bankers? Association at the Royal Coin Cabinet. Stockholm. Money Week kicks off with a … Continue reading Finansinspektionen – Financial Supervisory Authority Sweden
Mar 14 all-day Turkey
Ring The Bell. 00:8 p.m. (GMT+2). Opening Ceremony: Children and youth visit the national stock exchange to learn about why they exist and how they operate. ?stanbul, Borsa ?stanbul A.?.
Mar 14 all-day Italy
money management,earning, spending, saving, planning and budgeting, entrepreneurship, business plan, sustainable economy. Banks participating in the Financial Education Foundation will conduct some lessons; 2 meetings targeted to teachers and trainers in order to ?train the … Continue reading Fondazione per l?Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio
Mar 14 all-day Guinea
Launch of the GMW celebrations in Conakry with a national conference on the topic: “Taking part in saving smart”
Mar 14 all-day Yemen
For All Foundation and its partners celebrate the opening with stand-up comdey shows, story telling, painting competitions, savings contests and
Mar 14 all-day Lebanon
In collaboration with the Lebanese Republic Ministry of Social Affairs, Higher Council For Childhood and Teach a child association, Fransabank invites high school students to visit their headquarters.
Mar 14 all-day Turkey
Advisory Committee Meeting and Expert to Youth
Mar 14 all-day Ghana
Financial Literacy Workshop

Join GlobalMoneyWeek, 9-17 March 2015