Global Money Week events taking place
27 March – 2 April 2017
Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Other
Europe and Central Asia | Switzerland | International School Rheintal | Grow your CHF5 project which involves kids setting up their own businesses. |
Europe and Central Asia | Azerbaijan | Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan | Financial Literacy: a road to the professional career a competition-based training workshops for the university students |
Asia & the Pacific | Malaysia | World Assembly of Youth | Youth and finance discussions as part of the Asian Urban Youth Assembly. |
Africa | Zimbabwe | Junior Achievement Zimbabwe | Youth and children will be given the opportunity to participate in financial literacy awareness sessions, high-level discussions, seminars, and other educational sessions with Peoples Own Savings Bank, MBCA Bank and Barclays Bank. |
Middle East and North Africa | Syrian Arab Republic | Mobaderoon | Writing, drawing and picture competitions |
Middle East and North Africa | Somalia | Action for Women and Child Concern Organization | Workshops on Financial Education. |
Africa | South Africa | The Banking Association South Africa | visits to the S.A. Mint, the Money Museum of South Africa. |
Africa | Kenya | Central Bank of Kenya | Visits to CBK Money Museum Job Shadowing by High School Students Visits to financial institutions |
Middle East and North Africa | Yemen | FOR ALL Foundation | Training course for students on the concept of financial literacy. |
Europe and Central Asia | Belarus | Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange | Trade opening ceremony at the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange |
Europe and Central Asia | Switzerland | International School Rheintal | Grow your CHF5 project which involves kids setting up their own businesses. |
Asia & the Pacific | Malaysia | World Assembly of Youth | Youth and finance discussions as part of the Asian Urban Youth Assembly. |
Africa | Zimbabwe | Peoples Own Savings Bank of Zimbabwe (POSB) | Youth and children will be given the opportunity to participate in financial literacy awareness sessions, high-level discussions, seminars, and other educational sessions with Peoples Own Savings Bank, MBCA Bank and Barclays Bank |
Middle East and North Africa | Somalia | Action for Women and Child Concern Organization | Workshops on gender equality and financial inclusiveness. |
Europe and Central Asia | Azerbaijan | Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan | Workshop for the secondary schools teachers who teach Life Skills subject, a subject which includes elements of financial literacy. |
Americas and the Caribbean | Bolivia | Grupo Amaya Capacitaciones | What claim mechanisms exist for the Financial Consumer, PR and Financial Consumer Advocacy. Cooperativa Quillacollo Ltda. In the city of Quillacollo -Cochabamba. |
Middle East and North Africa | Egypt | Egyptian Banking Institute | VIsits to the Money Museums and master trainings on Financial Literacy. Moreover, EBI is planning a Stock Exchange Simulation. |
Africa | Kenya | Central Bank of Kenya | Visits to CBK Money Museum Job Shadowing by High School Students Visits to financial institutions |
Africa | Liberia | Plan International Liberia | Village Savings & Loan Association and small grant support for income generation. |
Africa | Ghana | AIESEC Ghana | University students attend lots of financial workshops and talks |
Europe and Central Asia | Switzerland | International School Rheintal | Grow your CHF5 project which involves kids setting up their own businesses. |
Africa | Mozambique | Mozambique Stock Exchange | Youth visit and Ring the Bell at Bolsa de Valores de Moçambique |
Africa | Zimbabwe | Junior Achievement Zimbabwe | Youth and children will be given the opportunity to participate in financial literacy awareness sessions, high-level discussions, seminars, and other educational sessions with Peoples Own Savings Bank, MBCA Bank and Barclays Bank |
Americas and the Caribbean | Mexico | MIDE (Museo Interactivo de Economía) | Workshop Sueña, Ahorra, Alcanza from Plaza Sésamo: through three Plaza Sesamo style activities, participants discover basic concepts to understand how decisions made each day, goal setting and planning can help in fulfilling each persons dreams. |
Middle East and North Africa | Egypt | Egyptian Banking Institute | VIsits to the Money Museums and master trainings on Financial Literacy. |
Africa | Kenya | Central Bank of Kenya | Visits to CBK Money Museum Job Shadowing by High School Students Visits to financial institutions |
Africa | Zimbabwe | Peoples Own Savings Bank of Zimbabwe (POSB) | University students will have the opportunity to attend public financial debates, or listen to them on the radio |
Africa | Ghana | AIESEC Ghana | University students attend an open discussion on the theme of GMW 2017: Learn. Save. Earn |
Africa | Lesotho | Save the Children Lesotho | The youth in Lesotho will take part in student debates and tertiary essay competitions. |
Africa | Lesotho | Ministry of Finance Lesotho | The youth in Lesotho will take part in student debates and tertiary essay competitions. |
Asia & the Pacific | Malaysia | Bank Negara Malaysia | Youth visit to Bank Negara Malaysia Money Museum and Art Gallery for the talk on "Currency Education Programme". |
Asia & the Pacific | Malaysia | Allianz Malaysia Berhad | Youth visit to Bank Negara Malaysia Money Museum and Art Gallery for the talk on "Currency Education Programme". |
Americas and the Caribbean | Mexico | MIDE (Museo Interactivo de Economía) | Workshop Sueña, Ahorra, Alcanza from Plaza Sésamo: through three Plaza Sesamo style activities, participants discover basic concepts to understand how decisions made each day, goal setting and planning can help in fulfilling each persons dreams. |
Middle East and North Africa | Egypt | Egyptian Banking Institute | VIsits to the Money Museums and master trainings on Financial Literacy. In addition to that, EBI is organizing the Egyptian Banking Simulation Model. |
Africa | Kenya | Central Bank of Kenya | Visits to CBK Money Museum Job Shadowing by High School Students Visits to financial institutions |
Africa | Zimbabwe | Peoples Own Savings Bank of Zimbabwe (POSB) | University students will have the opportunity to attend public financial debates, or listen to them on the radio |
Africa | Ghana | AIESEC Ghana | University students attend lots of financial workshops and talks |
Europe and Central Asia | Norway | Oslo Stock Exchange | Tour around Oslo Stock Exchange and presentation about stock markets for high school students. |
Africa | Lesotho | Save the Children Lesotho | The youth in Lesotho will take part in student debates and tertiary essay competitions. |
Africa | Lesotho | Ministry of Finance Lesotho | The youth in Lesotho will take part in student debates and tertiary essay competitions. |
Africa | Zimbabwe | Peoples Own Savings Bank of Zimbabwe (POSB) | Youth and children will be given the opportunity to participate in financial literacy awareness sessions, high-level discussions, seminars, and other educational sessions with Peoples Own Savings Bank, MBCA Bank and Barclays Bank |
Africa | Ghana | AIESEC Ghana | Young people will visit various financial institutions, corporates, and businesses, and engage themselves at the gallery exhibitions to explore and tour the various department of the banks. |
Africa | Ghana | The Young Investors' Network (YIN) | YIN will close the Week with a summit involving all stakeholders in the financial industry and an awards ceremony on 31st March |
Middle East and North Africa | Somalia | Action for Women and Child Concern Organization | Workshops on vocational training. |
Middle East and North Africa | Egypt | Egyptian Banking Institute | VIsits to the Money Museums and master trainings on Financial Literacy. |
Africa | Kenya | Central Bank of Kenya | Visits to CBK Money Museum Job Shadowing by High School Students Visits to financial institutions |
Europe and Central Asia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Association of Secondary School Students in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Visits of school groups to bank branches. |
Asia & the Pacific | Maldives | Ghiyasuddin International School | Visiting banks with senior students to understand the role of banking in terms of products and services with regard to money. |
Africa | Lesotho | Save the Children Lesotho | The youth in Lesotho will take part in student debates and tertiary essay competitions. |
Africa | Lesotho | Ministry of Finance Lesotho | The youth in Lesotho will take part in student debates and tertiary essay competitions. |
Africa | Zimbabwe | Peoples Own Savings Bank of Zimbabwe (POSB) | Youth and children will be given the opportunity to participate in financial literacy awareness sessions, high-level discussions, seminars, and other educational sessions with Peoples Own Savings Bank, MBCA Bank and Barclays Bank |
Africa | Zimbabwe | Junior Achievement Zimbabwe | Youth and children will be given the opportunity to participate in financial literacy awareness sessions, high-level discussions, seminars, and other educational sessions with Peoples Own Savings Bank, MBCA Bank and Barclays Bank |
Middle East and North Africa | Egypt | Egyptian Banking Institute | VIsits to the Money Museums and master trainings on Financial Literacy. |
Africa | Liberia | Plan International Liberia | Village Savings & Loan Association and small grant support for income generation. |
Americas and the Caribbean | Mexico | BBVA Bancomer | Valores de futuro workshops with BBVA Bancomers Corporate Volunteering Program in Jalisco, Hidalgo and Puebla; Entrepreneurship workshops for +17 year-old young people. |
Africa | Lesotho | Central Bank of Lesotho | The youth in Lesotho will take part in student debates and tertiary essay competitions. |
Africa | Lesotho | Ministry of Finance Lesotho | The youth in Lesotho will take part in student debates and tertiary essay competitions. |
Africa | Lesotho | Save the Children Lesotho | The youth in Lesotho will take part in student debates and tertiary essay competitions. |
Americas and the Caribbean | Honduras | Grupo Financiero FICOHSA | Stamps: A stamp will be given to the children once they have completed the entire tour to finish the activity. |
Europe and Central Asia | Kyrgyzstan | Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan | Quest game for children |
Africa | Lesotho | Ministry of Finance Lesotho | The youth in Lesotho will take part in student debates and tertiary essay competitions. |
Africa | Lesotho | Central Bank of Lesotho | The youth in Lesotho will take part in student debates and tertiary essay competitions. |
Africa | Lesotho | Save the Children Lesotho | The youth in Lesotho will take part in student debates and tertiary essay competitions. |
Americas and the Caribbean | Peru | Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros y AFP | On the seventh day there will be workshops, lectures on financial education, social media dissemination and tv broadcasting about GMW |
Asia & the Pacific | Maldives | Ghiyasuddin International School | Inviting the Maldives Stock exchange to understand their role. |
Middle East and North Africa | Lebanon | The Higher Council for Childhood- Lebanon | Global Steps will arrange some Bank Visits for young childre. |
Asia & the Pacific | Malaysia | World Assembly of Youth | Finance lectures and workshops at the Official residence of the Chief Minister of Melaka cum WAY President. |
Americas and the Caribbean | Mexico | Banco Azteca | Entrega Revista Familia Luchón y de ejemplares traducidas en lengua Náhuatl (ASOCIACIÓN TEPALCAYOTL AC). Obra de teatro musical "Si hubiera ahorrado" (MIDE). |
Americas and the Caribbean | Panama | Superintendencia de Bancos de Panama | During the seven day there will be a Musical Work. |
Europe and Central Asia | United Kingdom | Kids Get Learning | Day 7 of video series: teaching kids important things about money |
Europe and Central Asia | Ireland | Irish Stock Exchange | Day 9 |
Africa | Gabon | GOPA Consulting | 22/03 - Visit of the BVMAC by 30 students 24/03 - Visit of the BVMAC by 30 students 26/03 - Address from the Ministry of Finance 03/04 - raising awareness conference with students from the African institute of management |
Africa | Madagascar | Coordination Nationale de la MicroFinance | -Week of 20th March: Celebration in cities other than Antananarivo like Behenjy, Ambatolampy, Ambohimandroso, Antanifotsy, Antsirabe, Manjakandriana, Moramanga, Beforona, Antsampanana, Brickaville and Toamasina |
Africa | Swaziland | Ministry of Finance Swaziland | -6th March 24th March: Conduct the Financial Literacy/Capability Survey for the 16 Schools and Training on the Money Quiz -2nd and 7th March: Preparatory Meetings -20th March 2017: 3. National introduction and launch |
Americas and the Caribbean | Peru | Federación Peruana de Cajas Municipales de Ahorro y Crédito / Peruvian Federation of municipal saving banks | |
Americas and the Caribbean | Peru | Vision Solidaria | |
Americas and the Caribbean | Peru | Proyecto Capital | |
Americas and the Caribbean | Peru | Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP) | |
Americas and the Caribbean | Peru | SURA Peru | |
Americas and the Caribbean | Peru | Caja Municipal de Sullana |