Peer Debate will include debates on financial education/literacy, employment issues particularly after school and the need to make students well versed in financial literacy before their secondary level.
To start GMW, Ms. Sana Afouaiz (a women?s advocate and human right activist) will host an international Expert Talk together with Mr. Majid Mirza Hussain (Expert of youth employment) and Ms. Bistra Kumbaroska (Entrepreneur and … Continue reading African Youth Advocate Platform
Round Table Discussion with School Principle and Banker Association Nepal: ? Will introduce and advocate the need of school curriculum in round table discussion with Banker Association and School Teacher
financial education workshops and lectures, visits to banks and financial institutions and of course promoting via Social Media, local radio stations and television.
Bank Audi will be hosting high-school students for ?A Day at Bank Audi? which will take place at Bank Audi, Bab Idriss, Plaza Head Offices. This day they will look at Banks’ Delivery Channels with … Continue reading Bank Audi