Transylvania College

2016-Mar-14 all-day

Middle school students will spend a whole day with their parents, at their parents? jobs trying to figure put exactly what a job assumes); feedback session on Job Shadowing- students will be split in groups and asked different questions regarding their experience at Job Shadowing; all of them will have the chance to share with the others little stories on the positive and/or challenging aspects of being there in the working field). Success Stories and story telling: 10 speakers from different domains will join us for this conference; Students will be split in groups according to their interests (before the conference); All the speakers will briefly present themselves on the stage (full name and domain); Each speaker will discuss firstly with its assigned group for 15 minutes (open discussion, Q & As; the students will prepare some questions in advance so that the speakers will know exactly what to expect); After every 15 minutes the groups will rotate giving all the students the opportunity to greet and meet all our beloved guests (3rd edition). Story telling will also be done by elder students to the little ones

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